On November 30, 2016, the Municipality of Viana do Alentejo (Portugal) unanimously approved the proposal to join the European Network of Places of Peace (ENPP), presented by the Mayor, Mr. Bengalinha Pinto.
With the formalization of this accession, the village of Alcáçovas (parish of Viana county), where it was signed on September 4, 1472, the Treaty that ended the War of Succession of Castile and opened doors to the maritime expansion of Portugal and Spain, will Integrate the Places of Peace Route.
On February 6, the President of the ENPP met with the Mayor of Viana do Alentejo, Bengalinha Pinto, and the Mayor of the Parish of Alcáçovas, Sara Pajote, to plan the future activities to be held in Alcáçovas , with particular emphasis on the Commemoration of the Signature of the Treaty of Alcáçovas, next September.
The municipality of Viana do Alentejo obtained recently an important funding for the valorization of Paço dos Henriques (Henriques’s Palace) in the village of Alcáçovas. The contract signed on 9 February under the Heritage Valuation Program (Alentejo 2020) worth € 450,000 and will allow to install in that Palace a Museum on its history and heritage as well as on other important valences of the village of Alcáçovas as is the case of “Manufacture of Rattles”, classified as an World Intangible Heritage by UNESCO since 2015.