Places of Peace: Making Europe throughout Peace Treaties
First Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference June 2021
Scholars are invited to submit papers dealing with the following issues:
- The shaping of Peace treaties: conferences, international bodies, formal and informal international relations.
- The consequences of Peace treaties: from displaced people and forced migration to labour mobility
- The new economic order of Peace treaties: the transition from a war to a peace economy
- Humanitarianism, philanthropy and caregiving in the aftermath
- Remembering the end of war and the peace conditions.
- The Narration of Peace Treaties: Memory, Memorialization and Reconciliation.
- Gender and Post war: roles and places for woman in the aftermath
- Tourism and Places were peace treaties were signed
- Tourism and Peace Heritage
- Educational role of tourism and Peace Heritage
- Tourism niches contributing to peace and sustainable outcomes
- Case studies in peace through tourism
- The role of stakeholders in building tourism in peace heritage
- Critical essays about peace through tourism
The first Annual “Places of Peace” accepts the following type of abstracts:
- Research paper: Abstracts should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a discussion of expected outcomes.
- Student Papers: Research done by students
- Case Studies: Case studies in any of the conference topics.
- Reports on Issues Related to the conference topics.
- Proposals should be no longer than 300 words in length and be accompanied by a short bio-note. Contributions will be peer evaluated, according to the significance of the topic, the importance of the contribution, and originality. Selected full manuscripts will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by the research group after the event.
Deadline for submission of abstracts
Please submit proposals, indicating type of presentation, to “Places of Peace: Making Europe throughout Peace Treaties – First Annual International Conference” by February 20th 2021. All submissions will be peer reviewed and acceptance/rejections is based on their relevance to the conference topics. Notification on acceptance will be sent by March 20th, 2021.
Conference proceedings and deadline for submission of final manuscripts:
- Papers presented at the conference and submitted for publication will be published in the official ISBN conference proceedings publication.
- In order to have your paper published in the official conference proceedings, your submission should have been previously approved by the Conference Scientific Committee. Participants who have completed registration arrangements and want their paper published in the official conference proceedings publication must submit their final manuscripts by April, 30th 2021. Detailed formatting guidelines are provided with the acceptance documents.
- We strongly recommend early submissions to allow enough time for a review and feed back in case there are changes to be made in formatting.
- Paper publication is not mandatory and those who do not want their paper included in the conference proceedings publication, are not required to submit final manuscripts for publishing purpose.
You can also send it by email to conference2021@placesofpeace.
- author(s) name(s), institution’s name(s), institution’s address(es), corresponding author, email address(es) and a short bio (up to 100 words).
- Title of the abstract.
- The abstract should therefore clearly state the objective of the presentation, the findings and their significance to the call, and how they help advance our knowledge in the field.
- Each author is welcome to present up to two submissions.
- Stanislav Ivanov, Varna University of Management, Bulgaria
- Anna Farmaki, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Mariana Assenova, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Noga Collins-Kreiner, University of Haifa, Israel
- Naomi Leite, SOAS, University of London, UK
- Madina Regnault, EIREST Paris1, Pantheon Sorbone University, France
- Noémi Marujo, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
- Joana Lima, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
- Jaime Serra, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
- Rosário Borges, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
- Marius Silvesan, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest , Romania
- Norbert Spannenberger, Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies of University of Leipzig, Germany
- Tóth Ferenc, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
- Tomáš Michalík, Trenčín Museum, Slovakia
- Antun Nekić, Department of History, University of Zadar, Croatia
- Apolónia Rodrigues, European Network of Places of Peace
- Patrizia Battilani, University of Bologna, Italy
- Eduardo Basso, European Network of Places of Peace
- Áurea Rodrigues, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
- Rosária Pereira, University of Algarve, Portugal
- Fábio Carbone, Conventry University, UK
- Inês Carvalho, European University, Portugal
- Michelle Moraes, European University, Portugal
- Anabela Monteiro, European University, Portugal
- Mariana Aldrigui, EACH-University of São Paulo, Brasil
- Daniela Fantoni Alvares, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
- Débora Cordeiro Braga, University of São Paulo, Brasil