The international mobility event for technicians who work with young people took place between October 29th and November 4th, in the village of Kaynardzha (Bulgaria) with the participation of 28 technicians (teachers, youth association leaders and municipal technicians) from 8 European countries: Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine.
During the 5 days of work, participants presented communications about their countries and the peace treaties signed in the places where they come from, and debated various topics such as the issue of Human Rights in light of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948 and the Declaration on the Culture of Peace approved by the UN in 1999 and presented work plans to disseminate the learning obtained during this Training Course in their schools, communities and municipalities.
The healthy and enthusiastic group spirit created and the communion of principles in defense of peace in Europe and the world among participants from such different countries, politically, culturally and socially, was one of the most relevant aspects of this international mobility event managed by ENPP, organized by its effective member, Municipality of Kaynardzha (Bulgaria) and financed by the ERASMUS+ program through the Portuguese National Agency “ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação”.
As ENPP is currently an entity accredited by ERASMUS+, it is expected that international mobility events for technicians and youth mobility will be held until the end of 2027. Under these conditions, the next youth mobility event (16 to 25 years old) has already been scheduled for the 10th to 16th of March 2024, in the town of Alcañices (Spain), where on September 12, 1297 the treaty that defined the border between Portugal and Spain, commonly considered the oldest border in Europe, was signed between the Crowns of Portugal and Castile.

The ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, managed by ENPP and dedicated to young Portuguese people, remains ongoing with several activities being carried out in the last few days. Within the scope of this project, in which 40 young Portuguese people from the Gabriel Pereira de Évora School Group, the Municipalities of Estremoz and Viana do Alentejo and the University of Évora participate, the participants of these 4 groups have been carrying out various activities by group or in set.
At the beginning of September, young people from the Municipality of Viana do Alentejo carried out an Awareness Campaign during the Alcáçovas Cultural Week, which consisted of a quiz with questions related to Peace, the Alcáçovas Peace Treaty, ERASM US+ and the managing entity of the project – ENPP.
Since the middle of the same month, the group of young people from the Gabriel Pereira School Group has been collecting on video, in the school community and beyond, testimonies about war and peace, which will be edited into a video that will be released soon at a public event to be held at Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira.
On October 12th, young participants from the University of Évora group held a debate session on the film “Sérgio”, which tells the life of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, diplomat and Senior UN Official, and his assassination in Iraq in 2003, which included the participation of Professors Evanthia Balla and Irene Viparelli, from the Course Directorate of the Doctoral Program in Political Theory, International Relations and Human Rights at the University of Évora.
On October 14th, Saturday, the group of young people from the Municipality of Estremoz will carry out their Awareness Campaign at the Traditional Market of Estremoz.
Still within the scope of the project’s joint activities program, the 2nd edition of the “Conversations about Peace” took place on October 11th, throughout the day, at Paço dos Henriques in Alcáçovas. This initiative featured a lecture by Professor Evanthia Balla on the theme “The Idea of Europe as a canvas for peace: from the “Abduction of Europe” to the European Union” followed by a debate and a presentation on the approved Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly in 1948. Participants in this event also had the opportunity to visit the Paço dos Henriques, the Chocalho Museum and the Chocalhos Pardalinho factory.
The ERASMUS+ YouthVoices4Peace project will run until the end of 2023, with 2 more joint activities and an Awareness Campaign planned until then.

On the 19th of May, the event “Conversas sobre a Paz” (Talks About Peace) took place in Évora Monte, the first fully face-to-face activity of the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace” in which 40 young people from the municipalities of Estremoz and Viana do Alentejo and the city of Évora (Grouping of Schools Gabriel Pereira and University of Évora).

During this activity, the young participants debated the theme “Culture of Peace” following a presentation by Prof. Dr. Irene Viparelli, Director of the Degree in International Relations at the University of Évora and began preparing the Awareness Campaign on this same topic that will take place in Estremoz, Alcáçovas and Évora between 22 May and 30 September 2023, an activity which is also part of the aforementioned project .

During their stay in Évora Monte, the young participants visited the headquarters of the Parish Council of Évora Monte and the Interpretive Center of the Convention of Évora Monte .

The “YouthVoices4Peace” project, which will run until the end of 2023, is an initiative of the European Network of Places of Peace funded by the National Agency ERASMUS+ and has as partners the Municipalities of Estremos and Viana do Alentejo, the Grouping of Schools Gabriel Pereira and the University of Évora.

The Youth4Peace international mobility event in which more than 40 young people from 5 European countries (Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Germany and Portugal) participated, between the 19th and 25th of February, in Torre/Paço de Évora Monte, was very successful.
During their stay in Évora Monte, the young participants had the opportunity to discuss among themselves the ways to strengthen a Culture of Peace among young Europeans, the implementation of Human Rights in particular the Rights of Young People as well as ways to increase the active participation of young people in the democratic life of each country and of Europe in general.
In addition to the activities carried out in the Torre/Paço de Évora Monte, the young people participating in this project visited the Parish Council of Évora Monte, the Elementary School of the 1st Cycle and Kindergarten and the Home of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Évora Monte; in Estremoz they visited the Centro de Ciência Viva and the Interpretive Center of the “Bonecos de Estremoz” and were received at the City Hall by the Mayor, Prof. Jose Daniel Sadio; in Évora, they carried out a guided tour of the main points of interest in the Historic Center of this World Heritage city.
The “Youth4Peace” project was promoted by the European Network of Places of Peace with funding from the ERASMUS+ program through the National Agency ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação and also had the support of the Parish Council of Évora Monte and the Municipalities of Estremoz and Viana do Alentejo, both members of the Association European Network of Places of Peace.

Between the 19th and 25th of February, more than 40 young people from 5 European countries (Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Germany and Portugal) will meet at the Torre/Paço de Évora Monte to talk about Peace, as part of a project called “Youth4Peace” , promoted by the European Network of Places of Peace, an association based in this historic town, and funded by the ERASMUS+ program through the National Agency ERASMUS+/Youth in Action.
During their stay in Évora Monte, the young participants will have the opportunity to discuss among themselves ways to strengthen a Culture of Peace among young Europeans, the implementation of Human Rights in particular the Rights of Young People, as well as ways to increase active participation of young people in the democratic life of each country and of Europe in general.
In addition to the activities to be carried out at the Torre/Paço de Évora Monte, the young people participating in this project will also have the opportunity to get to know the town that will receive them, its history and its main institutions, as well as visiting the cities of Estremoz and Évora.
Coming from very different countries but from places with similar historical realities because important Peace Treaties were signed there, the young participants will exchange information about their life experiences in their countries and about the importance for the European History of the Peace Treaties signed in the places of where they come from. The young Portuguese participants come from the municipalities of Estremoz and Viana do Alentejo, to which the two Portuguese places where important peace treaties were signed (Évora Monte and Alcáçovas) and also from the municipality of Évora (Agrupamento de Escolas Gabriel Pereira) belong.
This youth meeting in Évora Monte also has the support of the Municipalities of Estremoz and Viana do Alentejo, both members of the Association European Network of Places of Peace .

The European Network of Places of Peace Association (ENPP), based in Évora Monte, is developing, in partnership with the Gabriel Pereira School Group, from Évora, the Municipality of Estremoz, the Municipality of Viana do Alentejo and the University of Évora , the youth mobility project called YouthVoices4Peace, funded by the National Agency ERASMUS+/Youth in Action, aimed at Portuguese young people and in which young people aged between 18 and 25 from the municipalities of Estremoz, Évora and Viana do Alentejo will participate .
This project has as its essential objectives the promotion of young people’s participation in democratic life, the promotion of European transcultural values and, specifically, the promotion of a Culture of Peace among young people within the concept established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 1999 .
The project will integrate several online and face-to-face activities throughout this year, namely the holding of 3 face-to-face youth mobility events that will take place in the Torre/Paço de Évora Monte and 2 Awareness Campaigns to be carried out among the communities of the 3 participating municipalities.
The Project Presentation Ceremony will take place on the 31st of January 2023, Tuesday, at 5 pm, at Amphitheater 131, at Colégio do Espírito Santo (University of Évora) and will be attended by representatives of the promoter and all partner entities of the project.
This Presentation Ceremony will be open to the public and will also be broadcast live on the Facebook page of the European Network of Places of Peace ( so we invite all interested parties to participate either in person or online.

After a period of identification and selection of participating youth groups and their respective group leaders from the 6 countries involved in the ERASMUS+ project “Youth4Peace”, promoted and led by ENPP, an online meeting was held on the 6th of January with the group leaders  with the aim of conveniently preparing the international mobility event that will take place in February in the village of Évora Monte (Portugal).
In this online meeting, the General Plan of the Project and the Timetable of the international mobility event were discussed, as well as 2 online meetings were scheduled with the participants of each group which will take place between the 15th of January and the 15th of February, in which the young people will take contact with the contents that will be treated in that event.
The ERASMUS+ Youyh4Peace Project is financed by the Portuguese National  Agency Youth in Action/ERASMUS+ after an application submitted by the ENPP and foresees the participation of 42 young people and their group leaders from 6 European countries (Spain, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Portugal) and its main objectives are the dissemination of a Culture of Peace, active participation in social life as well as the development of democratic awareness among young Europeans.

Between the 16th and 20th of October, the Tower/Paço do Castelo de Évora Monte was the stage for an ERASMUS+ mobility event in which more than two dozen technicians working with young people from 7 European countries participated: Portugal, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine.
This event, called YouthWorkers4Peace, was promoted by the European Network of Places of Peace/ENPP, based on an application submitted by this Association and which was approved and financed by the Portuguese National Agency ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação .
Participants in this event will develop a series of collective activities aimed at deepening the consequences of the Peace Treaties in Europe, promoting a Culture of Peace among young people and increasing their involvement with the objectives and initiatives of the promoting Association. Participants in this event took advantage of their stay in Évora Monte to develop bonds of friendship, cooperation and interrelationships with each other, as well as making various contacts with the local population and the institutions of Évora Monte and Estremoz, having been received at the Municipality of Estremoz by its President, Prof. José Daniel Sadio and in the Parish Council of Évora Monte, by its President, Arch. Antonio Serrano. Participants in this event also visited the Elementary School and Kindergarten of Évora Monte and the Lar da Santa Casa da Misericórdia.
It is expected that this type of mobility event will be repeated in the coming years in other places in Europe, members of ENPP, based on an Accreditation application already submitted by this Association, based in Évora Monte, to the National Agency responsible for the ERASMUS+ program.
Through another application promoted by the ENPP and also approved by the National Agency ERASMUS+/Youth in action, more than forty young people between the ages of 16 and 25 from 6 European countries will participate in a similar event that will take place in the near future, also at the Tower/ Palace of Évora Monte.