ERASMUS+ TRAINING COURSE 2024, an activity included in the ENPP ERASMUS+ Accreditation, will be held in the city of Zadar (Croatia), with the Municipality of Zadar, a member of ENPP since 2011, as its host partner.

This is the third activity to be carried out outside Portugal, where ENPP’s headquarters are located, within the scope of ERASMUS Accreditation, in pursuit of the decentralization policy adopted by ENPP, with the aim of making participants aware of the Network’s locations and of its partners spread across Europe. The two previous activities were carried out in Kaynardzha (Bulgaria) and Alcañices (Spain) with the respective local municipalities, both effective members of ENPP, as host entities.

The city of Zadar, where this TRAINING COURSE takes place, was the stage for the Peace Treaty between the Hungarian/Croatian Kingdom and the Republic of Venice, signed in 1358 at the Monastery of St. Francis, which ended with the Venetian presence in Dalmatia and opened a period of peace and prosperity in the city, whose Municipality has been a member of ENPP since 2011.

The international mobility event for this activity will take place between the 4th and 8th of November 2024 with the participation of 18 technicians who work with young people from Municipalities, Non-profit Associations and Youth Organizations from 6 European countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia , Germany, Netherlands and Portugal.

The main activities of this TRAINING COURSE will take place at the Rector’s Palace in Zadar, and a guided tour of the city is also scheduled to end at the place where the Treaty of Zadar was signed – the Monastery of Saint Francis – as well as a visit to the Primary School “Islands of Zadar” and the “Peace and Heritage” Museum of this school.

The selection of participants, in charge of ENPP members and partners from their countries of origin, took place during the months of July and August, followed by online preparatory meetings with all participants by country group (2 for each country group) in the months of September and October, which also included the participation of 2 ENPP Facilitators, who will direct and monitor the activities to be carried out during the 5 days of the international mobility event in Zadar.

During this event, participants will debate the most important themes which constitute the principles of ENPP’s activity, such as Culture of Peace, Human Rights, Participation of Young People in the Democratic Life of their countries and Europe.

Participants will also have the opportunity to make presentations about the Peace Treaties signed in their places of origin and learn more about ENPP and the ERASMUS+ program.

The Training Course 2024, activity inserted in ENPP ERASMUS+ Accreditation, will be held in the city of Zadar, in partnership with the local Municipality. The city of Zadar was the scene of the signing of the Peace Treaty between the Hungarian/Croatian Kingdom and the Venetian Republic in 1358 and the city has been a member of the ENPP since 2011.

The international mobility event of this activity will be held between 4th and 8th November 2024 with the participation of 18 technicians who work with young people from Municipalities, Non-profit Associations and Youth Organizations from 6 European countries: Portugal, Croatia, The Netherlands, Germany, Bulgaria and Armenia.

During the months of September and October 2024, online preparatory meetings will be held with all participants by country groups (2 for each country group) which  also have the participation of the ENPP Facilitators, who will direct and follow the activities to be carried out during the 5 days of the international mobility event in Zadar.

During this event, participants will debate topics such as Culture of Peace, Human Rights, Youth Participation in the Democratic Life of their countries and Europe and will better know the ENPP and the ERASMUS+ program.

Today, April 26th, several previous young German participants in ERASMUS+ projects managed by ENPP and other young people interested in participating in these projects in the future, held a meeting at Hubertusburg Castle (Wermsdorf, Germany) in fulfillment of one of the objectives of these projects: disseminating the learning obtained within the scope of the Culture of Peace, Human Rights and Democratic Civic Participation with its local communities, schools and youth organizations.
This meeting was promoted by the Hubertusburg Castle Friendship Association, a founding member of ENPP, and discussed, among other issues, the future participation of these young people in the association’s activities, namely in the Hubertusburg Talks and the Youth Peace Prize which this association will hold next September as well as the various experiences of young people working for Peace.
The meeting had financial support from the institution “PARTNERSHIP FOR DEMOCRACY IN NORTH SAXONY”.

The next international youth mobility event – the ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange – managed by ENPP will take place in the town of Alcañices in Spain, the place where, on September 12, 1297, the Treaty that bears its name was signed. The Peace Treaty of Alcañices brought the peace between the Kingdoms of Portugal and Castile and defined the border between Portugal and Spain, recognized as the oldest border in all  of Europe.
This international youth mobility event will take place between the 10th and 16th of March has the support of the Ayuntamiento de Alcañices (Municipality of Alcañices), an effective member of ENPP and the participation of more than 35 young people and 6 group leaders from 6 European countries (Spain, Portugal, Germany, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine) is expected. During their stay in Alcañices, young participants will debate topics such as European Citizenship, Human Rights and, of course, the Culture of Peace and will have the opportunity to contact the populations and institutions of Alcañices and its region.

The ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange project is organized by ENPP and financed by the Portuguese National Agency “ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação”.

The following text published on Facebook today by Anastasyia Baryska, teacher in the city of Khotyn (Ukraine) and participant in ENPP’ ERASMUS+ Project YouthWorkers4Peace held in Évora Monte (Portugal) in October 2022, shows ENPP is on the right way:

“Continuing the series of online meetings, in cooperation with the German city of Teltov, students of Lanka Khotyn secondary school I-III grades No. 1 and seven years of Grace Hopper Teltov school today were able to see each other for the first time and tell a little about themselves. One of the difficult tasks was to provide answers to questions related to the war in our country. The children told us how they spent their time at school during an air alert, what they did when the lights went out, and whether they were able to do their favorite hobbies and things now. ????At the end of the meeting, students were able to share their thoughts about what peace means to them and in what words we can describe it. Thanks to Youthworkers4Peace led by Eduardo Basso the children and I were able to discuss what equality and peace are and how everyone sees it, regardless of nationality or age.
PS. Thank you Mr. Eduardo Basso for this great opportunity to promote peace and respect among these young yet adult minds.

ENPP  is now an entity accredited by ERASMUS+ and plans to continue carrying out projects in defense of peace at least until 2027.

On the initiative of Sebastian Losse, participant in the ERASMUS+ Training Course organized by ENPP in Bulgaria last November, and the Board of the Association for the Promotion of Altranstädt Castle, a working meeting to discuss and implement a set of local initiatives in order to interest young people from the Local Community  in defending Peace and in knowing the historical importance of the peace treaties signed in Altranstädt and Hubertusburg.
The meeting was attended by several German participants in previous ERASMUS+ projects organized by ENPP and others who will participate in the next ongoing projects, members of the Board of the Markranstädt Secondary School as well as members of the Board of the Association for the Promotion of Altranstädt Castle and the Hubertusburg Castle Friendship Association, both full members of ENPP.
The meeting resulted in several work proposals to involve young students from that German educational institution, namely, visits to Altranstädt and Hubertusburg Castles and the creation of a study group integrating students, with the support and active participation of the School Management. .
The participants also decided to study the implementation of future projects such as the possibility of several days, a student art exhibition or overnight stays at Altranstädt Castle.
This meeting is part of the fulfillment of the post-international mobility Work Plan presented by the German group that participated in the ERASMUS+ international mobility event held in Bulgaria in November 2023.

The 3rd edition of Talks about Peace, an activity integrated in the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, took place on November 29th in the Auditorium of Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira (Évora, Portugal) with great participation from young people participating in this project as well as other students from the University of Évora and the School where it took place.
The first part of this initiative took place on the morning of the 29th with a lecture on the role of diplomacy in resolving world conflicts by journalist and former Director of Courrier Internacional, Rui Cardoso, followed by an interesting debate with lots of participation from the young people present.
The afternoon part of this event was essentially dedicated to the problems facing young people and the national and European responses to these problems and featured 2 interesting interventions: the first by Gabrielle Bernoville, from DG Education and Culture of the European Commission (EC) on the “European Union Youth Strategy 2019/2027” with emphasis on the main opportunities opened by the EC for the mobility of young Europeans as well as on the means that young Europeans have at their disposal in building the European project.
Portuguese national opportunities for young people to participate in democratic life were the main topic addressed by Miguel Rasquinho, Regional Director of Alentejo at the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth (IPDJ), also with broad participation of young people.
During this event, young participants also had the opportunity to discuss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, and to complete their YouthPass on the ERASMUS+ platform.
The ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, managed by ENPP, brings together the participation of 40 young Portuguese  from the University of Évora, Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, Escola Secundária Rainha Santa Isabel de Estremoz and Escola Básica 2/3 de Alcáçovas and will have its thermal in end of 2023.

In an initiative by students from Escola Secundária Rainha Santa Isabel de Estremoz who participate in the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, managed by ENPP, an action to raise awareness for Peace took place in the Auditorium of that Secondary School, on the 27th of November, in which some dozens of young school students participated.
During this action, young students from the YouthVoices4Peace Project made a presentation on the Évora Monte Convention (1834), on the ERASMUS+ Program and raised awareness among other students to actively participate in these projects to promote a Culture of Peace, based on their own experience and they also projected a video about Évora Monte and its main Material and Intangible Heritage.
This initiative constituted the 2nd. Peace Awareness Campaign, by the group of students from Escola Secundária Rainha Santa Isabel de Estremoz who participate in the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”.

In an initiative of the International Relations Student Center of the University of Évora (NERIUE) integrated into the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, managed by ENPP, a lecture dedicated to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict was held in the Nobre Auditorium of the University of Évora (Portugal), with the presence of dozens of young students from the University of Évora and Secondary Schools integrated in that project financed by ERASMUS+ through the National Agency ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação.
After the interesting lectures given by Professors Evanthia Balla, Irene Viparelli and Sílvia Roque and Professor Silvério da Rocha e Cunha, a well-attended debate took place on the most current issues of that conflict.
This initiative constituted the 2nd. Peace Awareness Campaign, by the group of students from the University of Évora who participate in the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”

The 3rd edition of the “Talks about Peace”, integrated in the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, managed by the European Network of Places of Peace, will take place on the 29th of November, in the Auditorium of Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, Évora.
This 3rd edition of Talks about Peace will begin at 10 am on November 29th, with a speech on the theme “Diplomacy in the Resolution of World Conflicts”, by RUI CARDOSO, a journalist with a regular presence at SIC-Notícias and former Director of Courrier Internacional, followed by debate.
The afternoon part of this event, starting at 2 pm, will be exclusively dedicated to current problems facing young people and will have 2 presentations: the first, under the theme “European Union Youth Strategy 2019/2027”, will be held online from Brussels by GABRIELLE BERNOVILLE, from the  DG Education and Culture of  European Commission, followed by debte.
The second presentation  will be given by MIGUEL RASQUINHO, Regional Director of Alentejo at IPDJ and will be dedicated to “Policies of the Portuguese State for Youth”, also followed by a debate.
The ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, financed by the National Agency ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação, involves 40 young students from the University of Évora, Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, Évora, Escola Secundária Rainha Santa Isabel, Estremoz and Escola Básica 2/ 3 of Alcáçovas.
Despite being dedicated preferably to young students enrolled in this ERASMUS+ project, the event will be open to participants from other interested parties.