In an initiative of the International Relations Student Center of the University of Évora (NERIUE) integrated into the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”, managed by ENPP, a lecture dedicated to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict was held in the Nobre Auditorium of the University of Évora (Portugal), with the presence of dozens of young students from the University of Évora and Secondary Schools integrated in that project financed by ERASMUS+ through the National Agency ERASMUS+/Juventude em Ação.
After the interesting lectures given by Professors Evanthia Balla, Irene Viparelli and Sílvia Roque and Professor Silvério da Rocha e Cunha, a well-attended debate took place on the most current issues of that conflict.
This initiative constituted the 2nd. Peace Awareness Campaign, by the group of students from the University of Évora who participate in the ERASMUS+ project “YouthVoices4Peace”