ENPP and its partners in 9 EU Member States have been preparing for a few months an application from the sites in Europe where Peace Treaties have been signed to the European Heritage Label.

The European Heritage Label was created by the European Commission and the European Parliament in 2011 and aims to reinforce the feeling of belonging to the European Union by European citizens, particularly young people, based on the common values ​​and elements of history and Europe’s cultural heritage, in enhancing national and regional diversity and in promoting mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue.
The Brand is awarded through a European selection which takes place every 2 years, having so far distinguished around 50 European sites. The selection period for the year 2021 is currently open.

Most of the sites planned to integrate the application are managed by members of  ENPP and  where this is not the case, the local members of the Association have been establishing cooperation agreements with the managing entities of these sites that allow them to participate actively either in the preparation of the application or in the organization and management of the Labeldevelopment plans on these sites.
In Trencin, Slovakia, a cooperation agreement was signed on 15 October between the Association Trencin European City   (TREUM) run by Janka Fabová who is also a member of the ENPP Board and the Trencin Museum, run by Peter Martinisko, the manager entity  of Trencin Castle, the site where on the 24th of August 1335 the precursor treaty of the Visigree Agreements was signed (in the photo).
This agreement guarantees the integration of Trencin Castle in the application for the European Heritage Label as well as establishing the principles and rules that will guide the activities to be carried out on this site, should the Label be attributed to it.