ENPP was present today at the OSI Geneva Forum held at the United Nations building in the Swiss capital. OSI NGO is a
Special Consultative Status to Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
ENPP presentation took place during the 6th Annual International Conference on Travel and Sustainable Tourism for Peace and Development and was led by Dr. Áurea Rodrigues, President of the Scientific Council of Places of Peace Route.
The invitation to this presentation came after the submission of an abstract about the objectives and activities of ENPP and the Places of Peace Route and its approval by the organization of this Forum.
This action made it possible for the organizations present at the Conference to learn about what the ENPP is and what its main objectives are, and deserved their interest and attention. Numerous contacts with various international organizations have been made today which will certainly be useful for the future development of our project.
Geneve Forum will continue until next Friday.