ENPP will be represented at the 11TH GENEVA FORUM which will be held in Geneva from 9 to 13 December 2019 at the United Nations Headquarters in that Swiss city and will be attended by numerous governmental and non-governmental organizations from around the world.
GENEVA FORUM is organized by OSI NGO
(Objectif Sciences International) a science education focused NGO, which has special consultative status of the UN (ECOSOC) and which has been a leader in the field of citizen science (since 1992) and is the organization that created the first participatory research camps (2004).
The presentation of the ENPP will be made during the Conference “Travel and Sustainable Tourism for Peace and Development” which will be held on December 9th, Monday and results from the approval by the Forum oeganization of the abstract  submitted by ENPP and which can be found in the “Validated Presentations” section at http://www.osi-genevaforum.org/Sustainable-Travel-Tourism-Peace-Development.
The full text of this abstract, prepared by Áurea Rodrigues, President of the Scientific Council of Places of Peace Route, with the collaboration of Apolónia Rodrigues, Coordinator of Places of Peace Route and Eduardo Basso, President of ENPP, is as follows:

Culture has become a key product in the international tourism market, with tourists engaged in cultural accounting for 40% of international arrivals in 2016 (UNWTO, 2016). Culture is becoming a central factor of attraction in tourism. Heritage and cultural tourism can The environment, social place, cultural systems and tourism development are inextricably linked in a relationship when local values ​​are respected and when they are also transmitted to the tourist The European Places of Peace route represents one of the most genuine European values ​​the Route through the experience and the memory of the places of Europe where Peace was a fact, the places where Peace Treaties were signed The Route also emphasizes its contribution to strengthening mutual knowledge and exchange of experiences among the European peoples , its action in scientific historical research on the Treaties of Peace in Europe, the dissemination of a culture of peace in an educational perspective together with the younger generation as well as the decisive contribution it has made to the recovery and enhancement of the European Material Heritage. The Places of Peace Route includes 11 places from 8 countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary, Portugal and Romania).
ENPP looks forward to taking advantage of this excellent opportunity to spread its objectives and activities around the world.