Places of Peace Route has submitted its application for  Cultural Route of the Council of Europe during the 7th  Advisor Forum on Cultural Routes held from 27 to 29 September in the city of Lucca, Italy. In its application form, which received the commitment of all its members, the Route states that “its theme – PEACE – is one of the most genuine European values ​​brought to this day through the experience and the memory of the places  of Europe where Peace was a fact, the places where Peace Treaties were signed”. The Route also emphasizes its contribution to strengthening mutual knowledge and exchange of experiences among the European peoples, its action in scientific historical research on the Treaties of Peace in Europe, the dissemination of a culture of peace in an educational perspective together with the younger generation as well as the decisive contribution it has made to the recovery and enhancement of the European Material Heritage.

The Places of Peace Route’s application includes 10 places from  8 countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary, Portugal and Romania) far exceeding the minimum required by the Council of Europe in this area.