Portuguese MEP Carlos Zorrinho was present at the 10th ENPP meeting and dedicated his weekly chronicle entitled “Places of Peace” in the Portuguese newspaper “Diário do Sul” . In his chronicle MEP Carlos Zorrinho states that “when addressing the participants I stressed at the meeting my conviction that besides speeches and appeals for institutional relations to peace and to keep devices deterrents of acts of conventional or new generation war, is increasingly important today to embed all policies of the values that lead to the mobilization of individuals to be the first guarantors of peaceful coexistence and safety between peoples and communities” and concludes that “in the magnificent “Paço dos Henriques”, opportunely recovered by the action of Bengalinha Pinto and his team, the network led by Eduardo Basso provided that a meeting of places peace is projected from what it was for what it will have to be. It is a movement that should inspire all of us. The world needs us to continue to be, within a perimeter as large as possible, a decent place to live.”

Also the Director of the same newspaper refers to our meeting in its daily editorial “Nota do Dia” published today. Two important references that make us very proud and give us strength to continue the path started in 2009.