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Welcome to the European Network of Places of Peace

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ENPP is an entity accredited by ERASMUS+ and manages projects aimed at developing a Culture of Peace, respect for Human Rights and promoting the Civic Participation of young people in the democratic life of their countries and in Europe.

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European Heritage sites are milestones in the creation of today’s Europe. Spanning from the dawn of civilisation to the Europe we see today, these sites celebrate and symbolise European ideals, values, history and integration.

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Peace Games

Promoting cultural exchange between places in Europe where Peace Treaties were signed and the production of transnational cultural products promoting Peace is the main objective of the application submitted to the CREATIVE EUROPE Program by a group of 7 Municipalities members of ENPP.

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Places of Peace Route

“PLACES OF PEACE ROUTE” is a virtual route stretching from Portugal to Ukraine, linking sites in Europe where peace treaties were signed, identifying and promoting them with the objective of developing the spirit of culture of peace among European populations, especially young people, and to increase the number of visitors around this Intangible Heritage.

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ENPP attended the13th Annual Advisor Forum on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

At the invitation of the Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA), Stefano Dominioni and the Deputy Secretary of State for Public Collections and Cultural Development of the Hungarian…


The Training Course 2024, activity inserted in ENPP ERASMUS+ Accreditation, will be held in the city of Zadar, in partnership with the local Municipality. The city of Zadar was the scene of the signing of the Peace Treaty between the Hungarian/Croatian…

KAYNARDZHA (Bulgaria) celebrated 250 years of its Peace Treaty

On June 21st, the Municipality of Kaynardzha celebrated the 250th Anniversary of the Peace Treaty signed in that location in 1774, between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The celebrations, in which various political and religious…

190 Years of the Évora Monte Convention with children

A few dozen children from the Basic Education Schools of Caldeiro and Mata (Estremoz) and Évora Monte participated throughout the morning of May 27th in a set of activities commemorating the 190th Anniversary of the Évora Monte Convention,…

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